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Businesses, governments and civil society together have to mobilize efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Agenda by 2030. Ensuring sustainable development in terms of economic, environmental and social aspects is a top priority of all organizations and individuals around the world. The need to promote the idea of sustainable development is the reason for experts from different professional fields to join forces and create International Association for Sustainable Development. The association is a voluntary organization for the realization of socially useful activities for the development of ecology, protection of the environment, development and validation of the values ​​of civil society, education, science, technology and technologies.


The general objectives of the IASD are:

  • Support in promoting the goals and principles of Sustainable Development at international, national and regional level, the formation of environmental and nature conservation culture and training of the population and its involvement in voluntary activities on environmental protection and regional development.

  • Exploration, protection and restoration of the environment on the territory of the Republic of Bulgaria and the countries in central and eastern Europe and participation in the implementation of programs at national and international level.

  • Promoting the sustainable development of industries, branches, cross-border and industrial areas, urbanized, non-urbanized and protected areas.

  • Assisting universities, manufacturing enterprises, cooperatives and other organizations and associations in the preparation of sustainable development projects.

  • The Association shall be a public mediator and training center for staff in the field of sustainable development, engineering ecology, ecology and biotechnology.


For the achievement of its objectives IASD:

- Develops analyzes and projects to restore the impaired ecological balance and investigate the environment  Independently or in collaboration with other organizations,

- Implements and supports innovative systems, forms and methods of training,  improves qualification of its members and specialists in sustainable development, ecology and environmental protection.

- Contributes to the development, financing and development of fundamental and scientific applied prospective research projects in the field of sustainable development and participates in the work of advisory councils to international, state and regional bodies.

- Develops and proposes for approval regulatory documents related to the main directions of its activity. It interacts  with scientific, public and economic organizations in the country and abroad for the development and realization of projects related to its main activity.

- Prepares independent expert assessments and takes part in discussing various issues related to sustainable regional development and efficient use.

- Conducts scientific - applied conferences and workshops and meetings with environmental and agricultural orientation.

- Organizies of press conferences, the collection of signatures and other forms creates active public opinion on all issues of sustainable development and nature conservation by means of mass media

- Organizes and maintains laboratories that support the achievement of its main goals and subject matter.

- Develops and implements curricula and projects aimed at forming motivation and knowledge about sustainable development in the education system.

 International Association "Sustainable Development" - © 2025 - ''

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